How to Create an Announcement Bar on Shopify

 In this article you'll learn How to Create an Announcement Bar on Shopify step by step.

Step 1: Login
How to Create an Announcement Bar on Shopify
How to Create an Announcement Bar on Shopify

Login into the admin dashboard of Shopify

 Go to Online Store > Themes. 

Click on Actions > Edit Code. 

Step 2: Create Section

Go to Sections Folder. 

Click on Add a new section and then Create a new section called “announcement-bar”.

Step 3: Liquid Coding

Add the following code in the section file “announcement-bar.liquid”

{% if section.settings.show_topbar %}

  <div class="section-topbar" style="background: {{ section.settings.topbar_bg_color}}; color: {{ section.settings.topbar_text_color}};">

    {% if section.settings.topbar_link %}

        <a href="{{ section.settings.topbar_link }}" style="color: {{ section.settings.topbar_text_color}};">{{ section.settings.topbar_text}}</a>

    {% else %}

      {{ section.settings.topbar_text}}

    {% endif %}


{% endif %}


{% if section.settings.show_topbar %}


.section-topbar {

    padding: 10px 0;

    text-align: center; 



{% endif %}


{% schema %}


    "name": "Announcement Bar",

    "settings": [


          "type": "header",

          "content": "Top Bar"



          "type": "checkbox",

          "id": "show_topbar",

          "label": "Show Top Bar",

          "default": true



          "type": "text",

          "id": "topbar_text",

          "label": "Text"



          "type": "url",

          "id": "topbar_link",

          "label": "Top Bar Link"



          "type": "color",

          "id": "topbar_bg_color",

          "label": "Top Bar Color",

          "default": "#000"



          "type": "color",

          "id": "topbar_text_color",

          "label": "Text",

          "default": "#fff"




{% endschema %}

Step 4: Edit the Customize settings to show the Announcement Bar.

Go to Online Store > Themes > Customize. It will show you all the sections. You will see “Announcement Bar” section at the top. 

Final Step:

At last, Click on Save button. That’s it! Now you know how to boost sales with announcement bar in Shopify.

Thanks for reading this article.